Access Map

  • Approx. 2hrs & 50mins
    from Osaka/Nagoya by car
  • Approx. 1hr & 55mins
    from Tokyo by public transport
  • Approx. 3hrs & 40mins
    from Shizuoka/Tokyo by car
  • Approx. 1hr & 15mins
    from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) by car
  • Approx. 1hr & 50mins
    from Osaka by public transport
  • Approx. 1hr & 25mins
    from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) by public transport
Google maps

10, Tomine, Ogi, Kota-cho, Nukata-gun, Aichi, Japan (444-0115)
Phone No. (+81) 564-56-3030 (10:30 am - 6:30 pm) (Japanese only)

Transport Information

Getting here by taxi/vehicle for hire

  • Getting here from Nagoya Station approx.
    1hr 10mins

  • Getting here from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) approx.
    1hr 15mins

  • Getting here from JR Gamagori Station approx.

  • Getting here from Toyota Motor Manufacturing Factory approx.

Getting here by railways

  • Getting here from Osaka
    approx. 1hr 50mins

    Approx. 50 mins from JR Shin Osaka Station to JR Nagoya Station by Tokaido Shinkansen, approx. 40 mins from JR Nagoya to JR Gamagori Station by Tokaido Main Line Special Express, then enjoy our shuttle bus service, taking approx. 20 minutes to our resort.

  • Getting here from Tokyo
    approx. 1hr 55mins

    Approx. 1hr 20 mins from JR Tokyo Station to JR Toyohashi Station by Tokaido Shinkansen, then approx. 15 mins from JR Toyohashi Station to JR Gamagori Station through Tokaido Main Line (rapid train), then enjoy our shuttle bus service, taking approx. 20 minutes to our resort.

Getting here by plane

  • Getting here from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) by car-
    approx. 1hr 15mins

    Approx. 10 mins from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) to Handa Interchange via Chita Odan Road & Chitahanto Road, then approx. 1hr & 5mins to our resort via Prefectural Route 41 and Mikawa Bay Skyline

  • Getting here from Central Japan International Airport (Centair) by train-
    approx. 1hr 25mins

    Take Meitetsu Express at Central Japan International Airport (Centair) to Meitetsu Kanayama Station (approx. 25 mins), change to Tokaido Main Line Special Express at JR Kanayama Station to JR Gamagori Station (approx. 40 mins), then enjoy our shuttle bus service-taking approx. 20 minutes to our resort.

Free shuttle busBy reservation only

Free pick-up service (by reservation only)- our shuttle bus departs the bus stop no. 4 at JR Gamagori Station (South Exit)
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information (bus services are by reservation only)

Pick-up service Departing at 14:30 pm / 16:30 pm
(*) By reservation
(*) Buses are by reservation only
(*) Bounding for Gamagori Station (South Exit)
Shuttle bus service Departing at 10am / 11am
(*) By reservation
(*) Buses are by reservation only
(*) Bounding for Gamagori Station (South Exit)

Useful transport links

(taxis & vehicles for hire)
MK Nagoya Travel Center
(taxis & vehicles for hire)
JR Central Japan
JR West Japan
JR East Japan
Central Japan International Airport (Centrair)
Meitetsu railway
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